Now let me just say, that I had never bought a knock off before and I have spent money before on the real deal which if you think about it it's ridiculous to spend hundreds of dollars on a bag that you're going to throw all your crap in. The most i would spend for a bag would probably be $100 ish. This lovely bag you see at the top was $76 with shipping and taxes includes. the original price before these extras added was $60. The bag took about 3 weeks for me to get it simple because she ( Luscious Glam owner . don't know her name :p) has to receive the fromafactory which ships them to her over sees. So she does not already have these lovelygoodies she can just ship to you. They have amazing customer service i sent her an email about when i would be receiving my bag and she emailed me the next day to notify me she hadreceived the shipment and she was going to ship that very same day. The next day i received my bag!:)DOesn't get any better then that. it was definitely worth the weight.And the bag really does look authentic ! i love itt!!! :)
here are some more pictures:
back + handles
Bag sold at